To all WFCA Members and Clinic Registrants,
In light of the current COVID-19 situation and with the health and welfare of our members and clinic attendees our top priority, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our spring football clinic.
We were hoping to reschedule the clinic in the summer months, but after a brief survey of head coaches it became clear that even if the current health situation is resolved, the vast majority of our member coaches would not be able to attend.
We will be contacting clinic registrants with refund details in the near future, though please note this process will take some time, potentially 1-2 weeks to process all refunds. Please note, you DO NOT need to contact us to request a refund, all clinic sign-ups will be processed automatically. Refunds will be provided in the same manner in which original payment was made, no exceptions.
In light of the clinic cancellation, we are exploring ways to provide webinar sessions via zoom or on the website. We will keep you posted.
The WFCA is the voice of Football in the State of Wisconsin. PLEASE make sure to renew the membership for you and your staff, if you have not done so already! Our goal is 100% membership for football coaches in Wisconsin.
Sign up for 2020 WFCA Membership here.
Also, the 2020 WFCA Hall of Fame Banquet previously scheduled for Saturday, April 4th has been canceled. We will be celebrating the 2020 Hall of Fame inductees as part of the 2021 Hall of Fame Banquet in April 2021. More information will be provided to inductees as well as those with 2020 Banquet tickets at a later date.
Thanks for your understanding as we get through this difficult period of time. Stay safe and healthy,
Dan Brunner
WFCA Executive Director
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