Nominations are now open for you to nominate players you feel are deserving of participating in the 2023 WFCA All-Star Games.
ONLY SENIORS CAN BE NOMINATED AND SELECTED FOR THE WFCA ALL-STAR GAME. The deadline to nominate players is January 23rd.
The date of the 2023 WFCA All-Star Games are Friday, July 14 (8-Player) and Saturday, July 15, 2023.
Below is a video that the WFCA and Children's Wisconsin would like all coaches to view and then share with their nominated players.
VIDEO: WFCA All-Star Games and Impact at Children's Wisconsin
Teams will be finalized by mid February and meetings set in mid March. This is a great event so please take the time to nominate any all star worthy players.
This year there will be three All-Star Games: Large, Small, and 8-Player. We are seeking nominations for all three games. Remember, even if you have nominated a player for All-Region/All-State, YOU STILL HAVE TO NOMINATE THEM FOR THE ALL-STAR GAME AS WELL, if you would like them to participate.
Click here to nominate players for the WFCA All-Star Game
Here are the guidelines for nominating a player for the WFCA All-Star Game:
1 - Players can only be nominated by Head Coach
2 - Nominations must be filled out for each player and submitted online by January 23rd, 2023. Stats on nominations are based on information entered on
You only need to nominate online once, you first enter in your Team/Coach info and then are allowed to nominate multiple players per registration. Once this online nomination is completed you will receive an email receipt with all of the info on your nomination.
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