The name of this organization shall be “Wisconsin Football Coaches Association, Inc.” This Association is a voluntary organization not organized for profit.
The objectives of the Association shall be:
A) To cooperate in every possible way with the National Associations and the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association in the promotion of a broad and wholesome athletic program.
B) To assist in promoting pure, wholesome, amateur interscholastic athletics as an integral and necessary part of the educational experience provided in the schools of Wisconsin.
C) To promote harmonious relationships in respective schools concerning the administration of athletics.
D) To help maintain the highest possible standards in the game of football and in the football coaching profession and to work together for the improvement of conditions in Wisconsin football.
E) To secure a better understanding of the problems of football coaching and to place, at the disposal of coaches, sources of information.
F) To promote good fellowship and social contacts among coaches.
G) To bring to the members the latest of methods and techniques of teaching football.
Section 1. There shall be five classes of membership in this Association: Active Voting Membership, Associate Membership, Allied Membership, Honorary Membership, and Lifetime Membership.
Section 2. Active Voting Membership - Wisconsin football coaches who are actively engaged in, or directly associated with, coaching football in Wisconsin.
Section 3. Allied Membership - Open to any individuals who are actively engaged, or have been actively engaged, in coaching football.
Section 4. Honorary Membership - All nominations for honorary membership must be submitted, in writing, to the WFCA office. If the person has been a member is good standing this will be approved at the discression of the Executive Director.
A) The following guides may be used in awarding honorary memberships:
1) Past presidents of the Association.
2) Any persons who have aggressively supported football over a period of years.
3) Coaches who have retired and who have performed some meritorious service for the Association or for the game of football.
Section 5. Application and Election - Each applicant for active voting membership shall sign an application blank stating his desire and intention to become a member of the Association and to advance its best interests in every reasonable manner, and to accept, as binding, upon himself its Articles of Agreement and By-Laws.
Section 6. Membership shall extend from First Day of Annual Clinic to Day preceding the next year's Annual Clinic.
Section 7. Lifetime Membership -
All applications for lifetime membership must be made directly to a member of the Executive Committee by completing the appropriate form. Lifetime members will not have voting privileges.
A) The following criteria must be met to qualify:
1) The coach must not be actively coaching as a compensated staff member. A return to coaching will result in the suspension of lifetime status.
2) The coach must have a minimum of ten years’ experience or be over fifty-five years old.
3) A one-time $100 fee will be paid to the WFCA.
B) Benefits of a lifetime membership.
1) Lifetime members will be eligible for free admission to all WFCA activities with the exception of the Hall of Fame Banquet, All State Banquet, All-Star Game Banquet and the Golf Outing.
2) Lifetime members will receive all WFCA publications at no cost.
Section 8. Associate Member – Anyone who is has an interest in promoting the mission of the WFCA. This class includes, but is not exclusive to; officials, Administrators, athletic trainers and other team personnel.
Section 1. The annual membership fee for active members shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be suspended on the day prior to the Annual Spring Clinic of the membership year. Suspension shall be lifted with payment of annual dues.
Section 2. Any membership may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Any member whose membership has been canceled by a vote of the Board of Directors may appeal directly to the Association for reinstatement at a regular annual meeting. The action of the majority of members present shall be final.
Section 1. The President shall be elected for a two-year term by the members of the Association. He will serve on the Board of Directors as a President Elect for two years prior to his term as President. Additionally he will serve two years after his term as Past President, requiring a full six-year commitment. Two Vice Presidents shall be elected for three year terms by the members of the Association. One Vice President shall be from the schools in Southern-At-Large and the other Vice President shall be from the schools in the Northern-At-Large, as designated by the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association. The HOF/Scholarship Chairman and Point After II Editor will also serve on the Exec Board.
Section 2. The Executive Director/Secretary/Treasurer shall be paid a salary which shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The Executive Director/ Secretary/Treasurer may be selected from within or without the football coaching profession.
Section 3. To be eligible for the office of President, the candidate must have served at least one year as a member of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to perform such duties as pertain to their respective offices.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director/Secretary/Treasurer to supervise all correspondence of the Association, maintain a roster of membership, send notices to all members concerning the meetings, attend to all finances of the Association, and such other duties as are incident to this office. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall provide the Board of Directors a copy of the financial report as prepared by a professional accounting firm each year as of June 30; copies of said report to be distributed to members at the annual meeting of the Association or published in Association newsletter.
Section 3. The salaried executive positions of the Association shall be formalized through written contractual agreements specifying duties and responsibilities, as well as salary considerations. These agreements shall have been approved by a majority of the Executive Board. Said contracts shall coincide with WFCA fiscal year. Persons occupying these positions shall be evaluated yearly by the Executive Board.
Section 1. The management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of representatives from Districts I through XXIII, the President, the two Vice Presidents, President Elect, and the Past President of the Association.
Section 2. Any member desiring to be a District Representative must submit his nomination to the President Elect in charge of elections of the Association stating that they wish to have their name placed on the district ballot. The election of the District Representatives and their alternates shall be under the direction of the President Elect. Elections are to be held during the month of April, by the WFCA website. The candidate for each position of District Representative who receives the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The candidate who receives the second highest number of votes shall be declared the alternate.
A) The term of office of a District Representative shall be three years. Election process will be ODD numbered districts one year, and EVEN numbered districts the following year (with a year off of district rep elections, due to the 3-year terms).
B) Election of the District Representative shall be made by voting members of the Association who coach in each respective district.
C) Failure of a district to elect a representative at the proper time shall leave that district without a representative for two years or empower the existing President to take steps it deems necessary to obtain such representation, including but not limited to the appointment of a temporary representative.
D) Should a member of the Board leave the coaching profession or move to a school in another district, his place on the Board shall be filled by his alternate for the remainder of the term. If both the Director and his alternate become disqualified, or if no alternate has been provided, the President shall appoint a temporary representative from the district for the remainder of the term.
E) It is recommended to the President that he instruct the members to seek in their selection of directors those qualities necessary for future officers, as well as individuals vitally interested in promoting the interests of the Association.
Section 3. Executive Board shall have complete control and management of the affairs, funds, and property of the Association.
A) A finance committee, appointed by the President, shall audit the books once a year and make a report to the Board. Said books shall be prepared by a professional accounting firm. These books are public record.
B) All expenses of the Coaches’ Clinic shall be approved by the Clinic Chairman before the bills are paid.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall meet at the following times:
A) At the time of the All-Star Game,
B) At the time of the selection of the All-State Team.
C) At the time of the Annual Spring Clinic.
D) Additional meeting(s) of the executive officers shall be called by the President as needed.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall meet by a call of the President or by a call of the majority of the Board of Directors.
The President shall have the power to appoint any necessary committee as the need occurs.
Standing Committees include: Clinic, Hall Of Fame, Awards, Scholarship, Vendors, Newsletter, Combine and All-Star Games. The President Elect is in charge of elections. The Vice Presidents are in charge of All-State selections. These committees are expected to report annually to the President and Executive Board of Directors.
The Executive Board shall serve as an Advisory Committee to the President to meet on a regular basis as directed by the President to conduct Association business within his power that does not need to come before the Board of Directors.
Section 1. All nominations shall come from the membership in form of self-nomination. In the tri-annual election each member shall refer to the WFCA website to vote. The vote will take place in April.
Section 2. The election, on line, shall be under the direction of the President Elect.
Section 1 - The regular annual meeting of the Association shall be held at the Annual Coaches’ Clinic.
Section 2 - A quorum shall consist of the active members present, due notice having been given of the meeting.
Section 1. The usual order of business shall be as follows:
A) Call to order by President
B) Reading of and disposal of unapproved minutes
C) Report of Officers
D) Report of Board of Directors
E) Report of Committees
F) Unfinished business
G) New business and resolutions
H) Adjournment
Section 1. Any proposed amendment, together with the opinion of the Board of Directors, shall be read at a regular meeting of the Association. A two-thirds majority of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of the said amendment.
Section 1. Resolutions shall be adopted by a majority vote of actual members present at a regular meeting of the Association.
Revised - March 2018