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Coaching Clinics

Coaching Clinics

This page allows WFCA members to post information regarding coaching clinics they or their schools will conduct. It is open only to school groups and WFCA members. To request your clinic be added to this page, contact Dan Brunner.

WFCA Coaches Clinic

April 4-6 - The Marriott Madison West - Middleton, Wisconsin

WFCA Clinic and Membership online registration is now open. Online registration is strongly recommended and preferred. The dates are April 4-6, 2024 at the Marriott West in Middleton. 

You can sign-up for your 2024 WFCA Membership/Clinic Registration by clicking here.

New Berlin Coaches Clinic

I am reaching out to you today to let you know about our 1st Annual New Berlin West Football Coaches clinic.  We are still finalizing all the details but look to have a great line up of speakers including coaches from the WIAC, Division 3 Private Colleges, and State Champion coaches gathering on January 18th at New Berlin West High School in New Berlin, WI.  Our event will run from 9-3 followed by a social and will include a light breakfast and lunch by one of our sponsors Rise and Shine Fundraising.  We are looking forward to starting the clinic season with a great clinic.  Please see attached documents for more updates and a finalized lineup in the near future!

$25 Pre-registration Price ($30 day of)

$100 staff of more than 4

Registration Link