2025 Spring Election Positions:
Please check HERE to determine what region you are in.
Officer Responsibilities are listed below.
All Candidates should self-nominate.
E-mail your intent to Tony Biolo, WFCA President, at tony.biolo@wrps.net
Please provide the following information:
~ Position/Region you would like to run
~ Name
~ School & Conference
~ WFCA Region & Size School
~ Years of Membership in WFCA (approx.)
The following time-line will be observed:
Now – April 5th (Saturday of Clinic): Candidates nominate themselves by emailing Tony Biolo ( tony.biolo@wrps.net ) the above information.
April 8th – April 16th: WFCA members can vote by entering the WFCA website (www.wifca.org) Election link. Please refer to the above voting information to cast your vote(s).
April 19th : Election results will be available on the website.
President-Elect includes:
To be eligible for President-Elect, the candidate must have served at least one year as a member of the Board of Directors (District/Region Rep)
Highly recommended that you are an active Head Coach & been a Region Rep
This is a 6-year Term/Commitment
Serve as President-Elect for two years, President for two years, and Past-President for two years
Attend (& Run when President) 3 Meetings each year (Nov./March/July)
Serve on the Executive Committee
WFCA/WIAA Sports Advisory Board (Dec. Meeting)
Attend All-Star Banquet (Jan.)
Attend All-State Games/Banquet (July)
Oversee the affairs, funds, and property of the WFCA
Appoint Committees as needed
Attend Other Association meetings (you will need time off school)
Run the Spring Election (along with other officers)
Assist with, but not limited to, WFCA Clinic, Hall of Fame, Awards, Scholarships, Vendors, the Newsletter, All-State selection, and the All Star Games
Northern/Southern Vice-President includes:
Highly recommended that you are an active Head Coach
Attend the 3 Association Meetings (Nov./March/July) each year
Serve on the Executive Committee (WFCA/WIAA Sports Advisory Board, etc)
Represent all of the Northern/Southern Region Representatives and Schools
WFCA/WIAA Sports Advisory Board (Dec. Meeting)
Attend All-Star Banquet (Jan.)
Attend All-State Games/Banquet (July)
Help support the All-Star Game and Teams
Assist with All-Region meetings when needed
Introduce Speakers at WFCA Clinic
Other duties as needed (i.e. ~ Chair special committees, Assist/Run special functions, etc)
Region Rep includes:
Attend Association meetings including the All-State (Nov.), Clinic (March) and All-Star Game (July) meetings
Represent/Contact Appropriate Conferences w/in Region
Make sure there is a Conference Rep from each Conference w/in Region
Acquire 3 Articles per year for the WFCA Point After Publication
Make sure the coaches you represent have the proper information for nominating players for All-Region, All-State, and the All-Star game
Conduct All-Region meetings and present Region candidates for All-State
Introduce Speakers at WFCA Clinic
Vote on appropriate All-State Teams (and Coach of the Year)
Other duties as needed
2025 Clinic
#1 Rep in Regions (3-yr term)
Southern VP (3-yr term)
President Elect (2-yr term / 6-yr commitment)
2026 Clinic
#2 Rep in Regions (3-yr term)
Northern VP (3-yr term)
2027 Clinic
“At-Large” Reps (3-yr term)
President Elect (2-yr term / 6-yr commitment)
2028 Clinic
#1 Rep in Regions (3-yr term)
Southern VP (3-yr term)
2029 Clinic
#2 Rep in Regions (3-yr term)
Northern VP (3-yr term)
President Elect (2-yr term / 6-yr commitment)
2030 Clinic
“At-Large” Reps (3-yr term)